The Quintessential Trivia Question
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | August 15, 2019
No. 1,638

Back in the day, when our neighbors used to get together under the stars to play Trivia on a summer night, I remember my neighbor complaining that too many Trivia questions (at least in the early editions) contained answers that weren’t trivial, but the product of a liberal education. For example, who wrote the Lives of Famous Greeks and Romans? The quintessential Trivia Question was, according to her, the name of the farmer who rented the land where Woodstock was held.
It was fifty years ago today. Do you remember? Or did you ever know?
Max Yasgur.
I actually was present when that card was turned, several summers later. I had already forgotten the answer by then. And I forgot it again until Time Magazine reminded me.
But I’ll never forget the name of the great biographer of Alexander, Caesar, Pompey and so many more. The immortal Plutarch. That’s definitely not trivial.