Reassessment 2012: Watch out for the Flipper.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | January 28, 2012
Flippers haven’t been much in evidence lately, but keep an eye out for their handiwork, because they can play havoc with assessment values.
A few years ago, they bought a house in your neighborhood and spent a lot of time and money improving it. Then they sold it for a much higher price.
I think flippers can be a great factor for injecting value into a neighborhood. But the problem is that, after they are finished putting plenty of money and labor into a house, they put it on the market for a substantial increase in price. Then the assessors are likely to call it a comp for your house. Truth was, the property when they bought it a few years ago might have been more comparable. So, what to do?
If the County is showing a property as a comp that is too high, check the building permits. They are public record. Unfortunately, a lot of people lie about how much they intend to spend, but you will get a chance to find out what they did to the property. New bathroom, new kitchen, new roof, new furnace — sometimes it can be like building a new house. By the same token, some sellers do work before selling their houses. The clue to that may be found in the listing.
Yes, it may take a little time to get the information. But it could be worth it to knock out a high comp.