Goodbye “Adams Drafting”; Hello, “The Koncise Drafter”.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | December 3, 2010
No. 536
One of our favorite blogs will no longer be updated. The last post went up on December 2 for Adams Drafting, a place where you could read about and comment on all of those lawyerly ideosynchrosies that found their way into contracts. But the discussion in that blog was always very serious — serious about making contract language readable and leading to a predictable legal outcome. Adams Drafting was named one of 2010’s 100 Best Blawgs by the ABA Journal, just in time to shut down.
But not to worry. Ken Adams also started blogging today at The Koncise Drafter. It is the venue which will explore issues raised in creating his new venture, Koncision Contract Automation.
We’ll be following The Koncise Drafter with a view to learning the future of contract drafting. It may be quite a while before lawyers are replaced by automation, but with The Koncise Drafter, that day just drew a little closer.