G-20, the Agonizing Reappraisal.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | August 15, 2009
Posted by Cliff Tuttle, (c) 2009
Suppose you were offered a great job. You were really happy and could hardly wait to start work. Then you discovered that several of your friends had been offered the same job and turned it down. Are you feeling less happy than you did originally? Do you reconsider?
Word surfaced recently that Chicago and a few other American cities had a crack at hosting the G-20 before Pittsburgh. Speculation is that they had a more realistic view of the problems, especially security and paying for it. But does the fact that someone passed on it make the deal less desirable? And is it thereby exposed to be a lousy deal?
Maybe for Chicago. Not for Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh has been trying to attract the attention of opinion-makers and corporate leaders in European markets for generations. Now, the same group we have been trying to impress is coming here. They know all about Chicago but most of them know precious little about Pittsburgh. We can change that in a hurry. Yes, there are risks. Didn’t your grandfather teach you that big opportunities mean equivalent risks?
As the Visa commercial might say: “Having the G-20 meet in your City — priceless!”