Every Day’s a Snow Day in the Neighborhood.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | February 18, 2010
Its getting tough to keep the driveway clear, what with two inches or more of new snow falling every night. The sides of the driveway are now becoming too high to throw a shovelful of heavy snow on top. And if you let it go for a while, it might get packed down into ice, just like the main roads in the City were.
Our neighbor was trapped inside his car this morning when he tried to gun it through the accumulated snow, only to discover that the snow plow had recently erected a wall of ice and snow at the end of the driveway. Fortunately, a group of good Samaritans in the neighborhood discovered his plight and dug him out.
And why did the City Schools cancel class again today? Why? Because in many locations, there is no place to walk except in the street.
Meanwhile, the TV newscast is full of stories about a dog killed and owner injured by an apparent hit and run driver, a man dying while waiting two days for the paramedics, an elderly woman falling and dying of exposure on her front sidewalk and of course, a succession of collapsing roofs.
Be careful. Its dangerous out there!