Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk

Legal topics of interest to lawyers and consumers with a Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania focus.

1410 Posts and Counting

Its -4º. Don’t Go Outside Unless You Have to Go To Court.

No. 1,609 The Court of Common Pleas and all of the Magisterial District Judges were closed yesterday. That was a sensible thing to do. However, the courts are open today, even though its a little colder than yesterday.  Please exercise caution.

Saturday Morning Meditation: Fighting Distractions in a Distracted World

No. 1,608 It is extremely difficult to avoid being distracted from focusing on a chosen task. But we all know that avoiding distraction is the shortest way to successfully completing a task.  In reality, it is the only way. The greatest thief is ubiquitous entertainment. We have allowed ourselves to be entertained all day, in […]

Message Box Fixed! PLEASE TRY AGAIN!

No. 1,607 Due to a glitch discovered today, I have been unable to respond to requests in the message box on the right because it was not giving me email addresses and telephone numbers. That has been fixed.  Would the person who contacted me today please recontact me so I can reply. CLT

Sign of the Times

No. 1,604

Sunday Morning Homily: Stupid is not the Opposite of Smart.

No. 1,602 Every Sunday morning I read an email newsletter from Farnam Street by Shane Parrish, which is bubbling with intriguing observations about life, the human mind and things you would usually  never think about.  I recommend it.   You  can find it at newsletter@farnamstreetblog.com Today Shane has been having a multi-part conversation with Adam Robinson, […]

Contact Box — Give me a name and phone number

TO THE PERSON WHO LEFT ME A MESSAGE IN THE CONTACT BOX: Please send me a name and telephone number and I will contact you. I cannot reply through the contact box. CLT

Using the Contact Box

No. 1,598 If you ask me a question in the contact box, give me your name and  telephone number.  I have received a number of questions this past year that I would have been happy to answer, but there is no way to reply to the questioner. Your name and phone number will not be […]

Christmas Greetings!

No. 1,596 A paralegal in another state, where civil process is served by individuals, revealed that  every year they have a request to serve domestic relations pleadings on Christmas morning for the reason, supposedly, that the other party will be sure to be at home with the children.  But, of course, the real reason is […]

Learning as an Accomplishment

No. 1,595 Yesterday and today, while preparing a seminar presentation, I learned several things that are important for me to know as a lawyer. Accomplishments are not only measured in work done.  Learning something useful is can be a major accomplishment.  This can be accomplished by reading or any other form of communication.  You can […]

Jack On Lame Ducks.


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CLIFF TUTTLE has been a Pennsylvania lawyer for over 45 years and (inter alia) is a real estate litigator and legal writer. The posts in this blog are intended to provide general information about legal topics of interest to lawyers and consumers with a Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania focus. However, this information does not constitute legal advice and there is no lawyer-client relationship created when you read this blog. You are encouraged to leave comments but be aware that posted comments can be read by others. If you wish to contact me in privacy, please use the Contact Form located immediately below this message. I will reply promptly and in strict confidence.

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