From the Archives: Philadelphia’s Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program — July 2008.
No. 1,200 In order to celebrate Post No. 1,200, I am reprinting one of the first posts I wrote in this blog, dated July 21, 2008. At the time, the effects of the mortgage bubble collapse were being felt, including in Pittsburgh. Hundreds of mortgage foreclosure actions were being filed followed by default judgments in […]
Why Does Anyone Like Donald J. Trump?
Everybody knows at least one person just like that big blow-hard Donald J. Trump. Self-absorbed. Insults people. Behaves in a flamboyant and unguarded manner. But nobody likes such a person. And when he is someone with power over you, life can be nearly intolerable.
So why does anyone like Donald J. Trump?
It was a cold bright day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
We tend to forget that we can have cold weather in April, but yes we can. I’m not a gardener, but en expert one told me that you can have a frost as late as May 25.
Robotic Lawyers and Other Science Fiction About the Future.
No. 1,136 A filler article in USA Today recently listed “small-time” lawyers as a professional group that will not exist in 15 years. It states that computers will take over the services presently being performed by these lawyers. Such predictions are not new. The age of artificial intelligence is dawning. The IBM Watson computer, which beat […]
Redacted v. Redacted Will Be Decided By THe PA Supreme Court, No Kidding! Really!
No. 1,126 Once again, Howard Bashman of How Appealing has brought to our attention another crazy case. This one is too rich. Now who do you suppose these litigants might be? And how long can the secret be kept?
Just in Case You’ve Been Distracted by the Academy Awards or Something,
No. 1,124 Here’s a news story from the Trib you may have missed about how there probably won’t be any interim nominations this year to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Centre County President Judge Thomas Kistler states that he can’t afford to leave his present position, since the Centre County Common Pleas Court is also short-handed. […]
The Lesson of Deflategate.
No. 1,121 Who would have thunk it? So much about so little. But sometimes things happen that way. The most obvious scenario has hardly been discussed. Ball boy forgets or is too lazy to inflate the game balls. Official forgets or is too lazy to check them. Mistakes happen all of the time and when […]
The Mice That Roared
No. 1,120 There has been a recurring theme in this, the young 21st Century. The Mega-institutions have been under attack, frequently with success from loan wolves of various kinds. Technology has made it possible. And the victims, including the US Government, haven’t figured out what to do about it. The latest examples are the hacking […]
Ten Most Fascinating People
No, I do not intend to watch Barbara Walters’ Special. Hardly any of the people she names as the world’s most are that terribly fascinating to me.
No. 900 In June, Act 70 of 2012 funded the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency’s (PHFA) Homeowner’s Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (HEMAP), which had been shut down for a year. The mailing of Act 91 Notices by lenders to delinquent borrowers had been discontinued, since PHFA was not financially able to accept any new HEMAP applications. This […]
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