The Operating System Made Me Do It!
772 I have a reliable report that a lawyer using Macintosh’s OSX Lion was drafting a will calling for an executrix. While proofing, he discovered that the ever-helpful operating system had “corrected” the word “Executrix” to read — no kidding — “Dominatrix.” Computer as Dominatrix. Photo: John
Recovering Your Stolen Laptop — How its Done.
For lawyers, who carry around a lot of client information, Prey, or something like it, seems to be an imperative. In the comments it is suggested that you have a password protected section for confidential information and another section that is not protected. Read the article and learn why.
Committing Check Fraud? There’s an App for That!
At a recent closing in Florida, a seller walked out of the closing room with a large proceeds check . A minute later, he returned and requested a wire instead. The title agent took back the check, marked it “Void” and initiated a wire. Later, after the wire had cleared, the title agent learned that the check had cleared, too. How could that have happened? After all, the agent still had the check and it was marked void. Right?
Facing Up to the Reality of Social Media.
No. 691 What ethical issues are there for lawyers who do or don’t invade adversary’s Facebook pages looking for evidence? I have heard various pronouncements that it may be malpractice for a lawyer to fail to investigate the opponent’s Facebook Page. But what about the subterfuge that might be required to gain access? I am […]
Help! I’m Being Held Prism by Microsoft Word!
No. 689 Have you noticed that word processing software has been trying to finish your words lately? Like in the last sentence, it wanted to complete the partial word that became “processing” to “procession”? If you look at your keyboard all the time like I do because I never learned to type [it suggested “tip” […]
Security Alert
No. 644 With the advent of all that cloud based stuff and free wifi, etc etc comes the specter of hacker threats and data security. Here’s a pretty good checklist of things you might wan’t to consider in this era of cybertheft. Hat tip to my friend Lance Godard of the always-worth-reading Are You Reading […]
Don’t use Google Scholar, use Google Scholar Advanced Scholar Search.
No. 632 If you’ve been disappointed by Google Scholar for legal research, try the advanced version. It enables you to select jurisdictions, such as Third Circuit and Pennsylvania Courts. Once you find a case you like, click on the “How Cited” tab. Of course, there is no statute search, but you may be able to […]
So, the word is out. After a long loveless marriage to Microsoft, lawyers are deserting hers for a fling with you-know-who. In particular, the iPad According to the blog Legal iPad, iPads are reaching a tipping point. The POTUS uses one. So does Queen Elizabeth and Justice Scalia. “iPads are the perfect device for content […]
Think Technology, Not Jobs!
So, instead of promoting employment as the focus of political discourse, why not promote the development of technology and technology education? Continuous education, self-education and formal education, makes more productive and more employable workers. Rather than trying to increase employment opportunities for what we already know, increase knowledge of technology as it emerges.
Electronic Discovery Update: “We’ll Need Just One of You.”
No. 595. Dear young (or maybe not so young) lawyer: Don’t count on making a career out of working on electronic discovery projects. Unless, of course, you are the boss. You may have seen articles recently about software that does the work of hundreds of document coders, only more efficiently, quickly and accurately. Well, its […]
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