Bricks and Mortar
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | November 4, 2011
No. 747
Vice President Biden is coming to town tomorrow to push the administration’s Jobs Bill by appealing to our selfish side. He will tell Pittsburgh that its older schools can be rebuilt (that’s all of them), with lots of local workers doing the work. Last month the administration was talking about paying teachers from the same program.
Of course, the administration will never have to face the consequences of such a massive school building program. The bill is never going to get out of Congress in any form. Then, what’s the purpose? 2012, that’s what.
And of course, when these “jobs” are over (if they ever were to be) they’d be over. And the buildings, well, they’d be . . . new. Forget the fact that we have no shortage of school buildings in Pittsburgh and a large number of them are in excellent condition or only need rehabilitation, not replacement.
But who cares? It won’t ever happen. Meaningless. Except in the 2012 Campaign, of course.