Creative Briefing Joins Blogroll
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | June 29, 2009
Posted by Cliff Tuttle (c) 2009
Creative Briefing has just been added to the Blogroll of Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk. No, it is not a legal blog, it is about advertising. But it is Pittsburgh focused and written for the business community.
As you will see when you click on Brad Fisher’s site, there is a lot going on in advertising and you don’t need to hire one of those Madmen (or the local equivalent) to play.
Should you get involved in any of those social media like Twitter, Facebook or the like? The answer appears to be a qualified “yes.” A fellow lawyer reports that he regretted opening a Facebook page because he hadn’t anticipated the workload. But others have effectively used Twitter to broadcast their blog postings. Brad writes about social media as advertising in Creative Briefing and I for one, will be reading.
As my readers know, I often comment upon posts from the Blogroll. I have no particular obligation to any of these authors. I just like their work. They are there because I think they are in synch with the mission of Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk and are worth reading.
It so happens, this is post No. 201 on PLBT. The event snuck up on me. It has been almost a year now and I must say that almost all of the benefits that I recently proclaimed in Why Blog? 10.5 Good Reasons have come true for me.