Electronic Filing with the Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau.
If you need to file documents with the Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau from time to time, you may wish to know that it is possible to file them electronically. This can be accomplished by following the procedure set forth below.
In Case Your Wallet is Lost or Stolen.
Scan everything in your wallet (front and back) and label the file so that you can find it. Review and update the information periodically. The most effective way for a consumer to protect against unauthorized information being used to open credit cards is to institute a security freeze. Pennsylvania law requires the three credit reporting agencies (Trans Union, Experian and Equifax) to freeze access to your credit card files if you give them written instructions and pay a $10.00 fee. This means that even if a potential identity thief has your personal information, he can’t use it to obtain a credit card because the card issuer won’t be able to check your credit unless you “un-freeze†the account.
Features of This Blog.
The “new look” of Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk is more than just looks. We have added some great new features that should make the blog more useful. A contact form has been installed on the right sidebar . Any reader can contact me privately via this form.
Pittsburgh Legal Newslog:Obama Floats Trial Balloon to Stay All Residential Foreclosures Pending HAMP Modification Review.
Under this proposal, all residential mortgages in default would be screened to determine whether they could be modified under HAMP guidelines before foreclosure would be permitted to proceed.
Happiness can be purchased a la carte. It isn’t an all or nothing proposition. It is a state of mind, a transcendental state of mind. It is so close that any of us can reach out to easily touch it. All we need to do is be aware, be mindful. It does not even require an absence of pain and suffering. Victor Frankel observed people experiencing happiness in a concentration camp.
#snOMGpgh on Twitter
If you want to hear others complain about the snow, or do a little yourself, check out the category known as #snOMGpgh on Twitter. If you’ve been on Twitter and wondered what the hash mark in front of words are about, click on one. They are key words. The tweets from everyone that use the key word (with the hash mark) are grouped together and you can read them all on the page for that key word.
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