Top Ten Reasons Not to Stay Up to Watch Letterman or Anybody Else.
And the Number One Reason not to watch Letterman or any of his late night cohorts:
You’re better than that.
What Will It Take to Save Dwelling House?
Isn’t it strange that this is going on at a time when improvident lenders around the country have been rescued by TARP funds, liberally doled out by Treasury to the very no-goodniks who brought the world to the brink of economic collapse. Billions flowed to mega-operations, some of whom appear to serve no one but themselves. But a paltry Two Million Bucks is not available for a community bank that has provided the opportunity of home ownership in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, safely and soundly, for a very long time.
Stepping Up.
Outcomes are not preordained.
Why Blog? 10.5 Good Reasons.
Strange as it may seem, you could be a force in someone else’s life for the better. Someday, if you are lucky, someone will write to you or tell in person that you helped changed his or her life. Teachers often hear it years later from students. When you blog, you are the teacher and who knows who the student may be?
MERS Says It Will Notify Residential Mortgagors of Transfers.
Posted by Cliff Tuttle (c) 2009 Mortgage Electronic Recording Systems (MERS), the entity that keeps electronic records of assignments of mortgages, announced in a recent press release that it will notify mortgagors of residential properties of transfers of ownership, in compliance with 2009 amendments to Federal Truth In Lending requirements. It should be noted that […]
Caperton v. A T Massey: Vocabulary Word of the Day — Recusal.
Posted by Cliff Tuttle (c) 2009 There are a few law firms in this town who have probably made significant contributions to the campaigns of so many judges, that they may have trouble finding a court that will not have to entertain motions for recusal in light of the West Virginia case decided by the […]
Pittsburgh Legal Newslog: Justice Ginsberg Stays Chrysler Sale Pending Supreme Court Review.
This case promises to be of critical importance regardless of its outcome. It will affect the disposition of the GM Bankruptcy, not far behind Chrysler. It could also cause a swift erosion of first lien creditors rights.
Super Duper: “Super Lawyer” Designations are Misleading Advertising.
But the problem with the brand isn’t that the Super Lawyers themselves are unqualified or, as a group, unrepresentative. It is the message that the designation “Super Lawyer” implies. Yes, Super Lawyer is to lawyer as Superman is to man. In the American culture, Superman leaps tall buildings in a single bound. So what does Super Lawyer imply? “My Super Lawyer can lick your ordinary lawyer in court with one hand tied behind his back!” — thats what a typical consumer of legal services is likely to think.
Why Assessments Don’t Go Down
There are multiple factors that create a floor for real estate prices, but the most important is the balance on the mortgage. Few sellers can afford to bring much money to a closing. If the market value is lower than the mortgage balance, the asking price usually does not fall below the payoff amount. Thus, instead of selling at the true fair market value, a property simply doesn’t sell or is taken off the market.
Brit High Court Answers Taxing Question: Are Pringles Potato Crisps (taxable) or Just Another Savory Snack (untaxable)?
Posted by Cliff Tuttle New York Times, June 1, 2009. Look for lots of TV news and blogging on this light and flaky morsel. CLT
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