Does Jones Day Have the Secret to Thriving in a Weak Economy?
A true professional does not flinch from promoting the client’s interests even when they conflict with those of the lawyer. That means settling the case that ought to be settled before the lawyer has a chance to earn a decent fee. It involves referring a client to another lawyer when the expertise of the second lawyer better fits the task at hand. It requires telling the brutal, honest truth that just might end up getting the lawyer fired. All this doesn’t sound like the best way to grow your law practice. But maybe, while you are paying close attention to your client’s business, you might just earn a modicum of credibility, respect and even trust.
Pittsburgh Tea Party Draws a Respectable Crowd. What Next?
What it signified was that there is a substantial and vocal opposition to TARP and other rescue/stimulus programs that was evident in polls but has been slow to get organized. This may be just a blow-off-steam media event or the first step in a political movement to take back the Congress and the White House. The next test will be whether leaders emerge.
The Anonymous Lawyer Rides Again!
The Anonymous Lawyer was/is the fictional (thank God) hiring partner of a fictional biglaw firm. He gleefully exploits and tortures young associates of the firm. He once ran one of them over in the parking garage while in a hurry to attend a deposition, but he didn’t stop because it was more important to make it to the deposition. As John Milton demonstrated, Satan himself can be endearing.
Althouse Does it Again!
Notwithstanding, I’m not putting Althouse on my blogroll. Not yet.
She doesn’t need my help getting readers.
Home Improvement Contractors — Register with Pa. Atty General before July 1.
You’ll receive a number which you must use so that members of the public can find you through the Attorney General’s Office. No kidding. There will be penalties if you don’t obtain a number and more penalties if you do not use the number.
Althouse Powerhouse!
At first, I thought she was talking about the Pittsburgh Pirates. Then I saw the text, “Captain freed.”
Another Blog Worth Reading: “Musings of a Philadelphia Law Firm.”
But it is not okay to bore me to death. Its not okay to have an attitude that doesn’t quit. Its not okay to use course language or to indulge in personal attacks or libel. And it is not okay to flaunt a lack basic skills in composition and grammar.
Blawg of the Day: “Anticipate This”, an Entertaining Look at Patents.
The illustrations are the best part. This issue features wings for giving you an aerodynamic lift while skiing and a device for skinning a squirrel. However, there are also some serious discussion of the law that will be of interest to lawyers practicing in the field. In case you want to check it out later and forget the name, I’m adding to the Blogroll on the right hand margin.
Back Talk Requested: Google Books a Monopoly? Perhaps, but where’s the Harm?
Google’s “Project Gutenberg” is intended to save billions of publications in libraries and other collections from being lost and to make them available at a mouse click to a world-wide readership. This is a laudable goal, perhaps one worthy of public appreciation on the level of the Nobel Peace Prize. Nevertheless, some observers see a threat to the public good in Google acquiring the rights to so many publications. They make dire predictions of a knowledge monopoly. But Google responds that others can do the same thing it has done — copy books, wait to be sued and then settle.
Straight Talk About Outsourcing Legal Jobs to India.
First of all, there’s a vast cultural gulf between our two countries. We, Americans and Indians, don’t think alike and neither do our legal systems. There are too many concepts, nuances, emerging trends and anomalies of American Law that are pretty hard to keep straight, even when you are immersed in our legal culture.
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