In Harm’s Way: the not-so-nice side of internet advertising.
However, if you went to the Obama pages, at least during the campaign, you would have discovered a McCain campaign ad on the right hand side of the page. However, the ad doesn’t say positive things about McCain, it contains negative comments about Obama. Yes, they call them “attack ads.”
Back Talk Requested:Well Done, Mac!
Then the bottom fell out. A Republican ticket headed by George Washington could not have survived in the most turbulent month that the world securities markets have ever seen. Yet, in the midst of it all, McCain rallied during the last debate and re-charged his campaign with the Joe the Plumber phenomenon and harping on Obama’s expressed intention to “spread the wealth.” Once again he had found a fresh line of attack and was making headway when he ran out of time.
Mortgage Foreclosure: Change in the Air?
Foreclosure moratoria are being seriously discussed in California, where Governor Schwarzenegger is reported to be proposing a 90 day moratorium and in Colorado where a moratorium after filing for negotiation and mediation has been discussed by public officials. New Jersey Governor Corzine is also proposing mediation in that State. In Florida, a nonprofit corporation named Earth Angels United has been engaged to administer a mortgage foreclosure mediation program in Seminole County.
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